Outdoor Water Fountains Lost to History

As initially conceived, water fountains were crafted to be practical, guiding water from streams or reservoirs to the residents of cities and villages, where the water could be used for cooking food, cleaning, and drinking. A supply of water higher in elevation than the fountain was necessary to pressurize the movement and send water squirting from

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Rome’s Ingenious Water Delivery Solutions

Aqua Anio Vetus, the first raised aqueduct assembled in Rome, started providing the men and women living in the hills with water in 273 BC, though they had counted on natural springs up till then. Throughout this time period, there were only 2 other techniques capable of supplying water to higher areas, subterranean wells and cisterns, which gather

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Rome’s Ingenious Water Delivery Solutions

Aqua Anio Vetus, the first raised aqueduct assembled in Rome, started providing the men and women living in the hills with water in 273 BC, though they had counted on natural springs up till then. Throughout this time period, there were only 2 other techniques capable of supplying water to higher areas, subterranean wells and cisterns, which gather

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Weekend Getaways Not Far from Home

Life is short – fit in some enjoyable weekend getaways every now and then to chill out, have a good time, and get away from your daily routine. But finding the best place for such a quick trip is not always very easy. The following is a list of some perfect spots for a weekend trip you will love. New York City You can go to New Yor

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